God often uses trouble and affliction for our good


Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word. … It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes. Psalm 119:67, 71

God often uses trouble and affliction in our lives for our good. When all seems to be going well in our lives, we so easily neglect God’s Word and go astray. But, when trouble and affliction come, we are driven back to God’s Word and consider its teaching. We repent of our sinful ways and look to God for mercy and forgiveness in Christ Jesus and for His direction in our lives.

Thank You, O merciful Father, for allowing affliction and trouble in my life that I might consider Your Word, repent of my erring ways and look to You for mercy and direction. Amen.

[Scripture is quoted from the King James Version of the Bible.]
